
Here you can find the publications where our colleagues took part.

Josefina Marsimolle, Pablo Rodriguez, Pablo Gristo (ANCAP)
Thomas Fieseler, Sandra Arevalo
Improving the sub-basalt seismic imaging in Norte basin, onshore Urugary
Second EAGE/HGS Conference of Latin America, Online 2020

Gerald Eisenberg-Klein, Eliakim Schünemann
Eric Verschuur, Shan Qu (Delft University of Technology)
JMI-FWI: Cascading workflow using Joint Migration Inversion (JMI) and Full Waveform Inversion (FWI)
Second EAGE/PESGB Workshop on Velocities, London, UK 2019

Guido Gierse, Thomas Fieseler, Sandra Arevalo
Hector Alfonso and Jeny Navarro (Ecopetrol)
Rough topography & complex subsurface geology. A case study using Common Reflection Surface (CRS) processing and Reverse Time Migration (RTM) to enhance seismic imaging
SEG 2019, San Antonio, TX, USA

Gerald Eisenberg, Eliakim Schuenemann, Guido Gierse
Eric Verschuur, Shan Qu (Delft University of Technology)
Robust velocity estimation via Joint Migration Inversion and Full Waveform Inversion
SEG 2019, San Antonio, TX, USA

Thomas Fieseler, Sandra Arevalo
Common Pitfalls in Seismic Imaging in Overthrust Geology and how to address them – a Collection of Case Studies from South America
First HGS and EAGE Conference on Latin America, Houston, TX, USA 2019

Gerald Eisenberg-Klein, Juergen Pruessmann, Eliakim Schuenemann
Enhanced velocity model building for low quality seismic data
EAGE/PESGB Workshop on Velocities, London, UK 2018

Thomas Kalberg, Miklas Jantschik, Claudia Schimschal
Eke Stanley (Mease Energy)
Neural Network and Coherency processing as a high resolution tool for seismic subsurface analysis
NAPE International Conference & Exhibition, Lagos, Nigeria 2018

Guido Gierse, Thomas Fieseler, Sandra Arevalo
Common Reflection Surface (CRS) processing for complex subsurface geology and rough topography – Applications and examples
ACGGP Workshop, Bogota, Columbia 2017

Thomas Kalberg
Adetola John-Oguhe (Network)
Ena Agbro (Oando)

Advanced Seismic Processing Methods for Imaging the Subsurface
NAPE International Conference & Exhibition, Lagos, Nigeria 2017

Dr. Philip Schlueter, Dr. Henning Trappe, Thomas Fieseler
Improved subsurface imaging by application of structural CRS
Extended Abstract, XII Simposio Bolivariano / Petroleum Exploration in the subandean Basins, Bogota, Colombia 2016

Dr. Philip Schlueter, Dr. Henning Trappe, Thomas Fieseler
Advanced CRS application by model based attribute guidance
Extended Abstract, AAPG / SEG International Conference & Exhibition, Cancun, Mexico 2016

Eliakim Schuenemann, Gerald Eisenberg-Klein, Dennis Otto, Heike Endres, Ruediger Zehn, Juergen Pruessmann
Cord Papenberg, Joerg Bialas, Dirk Kleschen (Geomar Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research)

Geology-dependent OBS mirror depth migration by reverse time migration
Extended Abstract, PETEX, London, UK 2016

Juergen Pruessmann, Thomas Fieseler, Guido Gierse, Eliakim Schuenemann
Gustavo Ranea, Hector Pastini, David Rodriguez Cavazos (Geoprocesados SA. de. C.V.)
Alfredo Vazquez Cantu, Ronzon Riviera Israel, Ruben Ponce Ramirez (PEMEX Gerencia de Estudios Geofisicos)

CRS strategy for rearranging irregular 3D seismic land data for Reverse Time Migration
Extended Abstract, CMP 2015

Dennis Otto, Philip Schlueter
Terrell Dhanpaul, Samuel Ragbir, Curtis Archie, Nancy Gallai-Ragobar (Petrotrin)

Improved imaging of a fold and thrust belt regime, onshore Trinidad, by means of the Common Reflection Surface (CRS) method
Extended Abstract, CGC Trinidad 2015

Guido Gierse, Juergen Pruessmann, Henning Trappe
Hans-Gert Linzer, Martin Schachinger (RAG AG)

Customized CRS regularization strategies for improved migration results
Extended Abstract, SEG New Orleans 2015

Juergen Pruessmann, Guido Gierse,  Dennis Otto, Eliakim Schuenemann, Gerald Eisenberg-Klein
Rodolfo Ballesteros, Blas de la Peña (Geoprocesados)
Ruben Ponce and Israel Ronzon (PEMEX Gerencia de Estudios Geofisicos)

CRS workflow for offset-azimuth dependent imaging and AVO of wide-azimuth seismic data
Extended Abstract, PETEX London 2014

Guido Gierse, Juergen Pruessmann, Andrea Lippmann
Peter Bergmann, Stefan Lueth (GFZ Potsdam)

CRS based gas monitoring and reservoir characterization from 3D seismic data
Extended Abstract, SEG Las Vegas/USA 2012

Juergen Pruessmann, Guido Gierse, Andrea Lippmann
Peter Bergmann, Stefan Lueth (GFZ Potsdam)

CRS workflow for improved seismic resolution and monitoring of the Ketzin storage site
Extended Abstract, EAGE Copenhagen/Denmark 2012

Guido Gierse, Eliakim Schuenemann
Ekkehart Tessmer (University of Hamburg)
Rodolfo Ballesteros (Geoprocesados)
Humberto Salazar (PEMEX)

Depth imaging using CRS shot gathers in reverse time migration
Extended Abstract, SEG San Antonio/USA 2011

Juergen Pruessmann, Guido Gierse
Gunter Harms, Hans Vosberg (RWE Dea)

Robust and effective AVO studies in irregular and noisy land data by CRS gather techniques
Extended Abstract, SEG San Antonio/USA 2011

Heike Endres, Guido Gierse (Presenter), Gerald Eisenberg-Klein, Juergen Pruessmann
CRS shot gather reconstruction and regularization for improved prestack imaging
Extended Abstract, EAGE Vienna/Austria 2011

Eliakim Schuenemann
Ekkehard Tessmer (University of Hamburg)
Rodolfo Balesteros (Geoprocesados)
Humberto Salazar (PEMEX)

Reverse time migration using CRS shot gathers
Extended Abstract, EAGE Vienna/Austria 2011

Guido Gierse, Juergen Pruessmann
Gunther Harms, Hans Vosberg (RWE Dea)
CRS-AVO for hydrocarbon mapping
Contribution to Workshop on Land AVO, EAGE Vienna/Austria 2011

Henning Trappe, Gerald Eisenberg-Klein, Juergen Pruessmann
Sharpened views of reservoir structure and lithology by CRS analysis of seismic data
Oilfield Technology article

Gierse G., Eisenberg-Klein G., Pruessmann J.
Using CRS gathers to improve prestack migration images in the Gulf of Mexico
Extended Abstract, PETEX London 2010

Gierse G., Otto D., Berhorst A., Trappe H., Pruessmann J.
CRS technique for advanced prestack merging and regularisation of vintage 3D seismic data
Extended Abstract, SEG Denver/USA 2010

Trappe H., Gierse G., Pruessmann J., Eisenberg-Klein G., Zehnder M.
Geometry-preserving CRS shot gathers for enhanced resolution in prestack depth migration
Extended Abstract, SEG Denver/USA 2010

Gierse G., Eisenberg-Klein G., Pruessmann J., Trappe H., Zehnder M.
Dip-consistent interpolation of seismic prestack and poststack data into mute zones using CRS techniques
Extended Abstract, EAGE Barcelona/Spain 2010

Trappe H., Gierse G., Pruessmann J., Schuenemann E., Schlueter P.
Caballero A., Ballesteros R. (Geoprocesados)
Clemente G. (PEMEX CNPS)

CRS tomography and CRS gathers for improving 3D salt resolution in depth
SEG Summer Research Workshop 2010, Lake Tahoe/USA

Eisenberg-Klein G., Gierse G., Pruessmann, J.
Caballero A., Ballesteros R. (Geoprocesados)
Clemente G. (PEMEX CNPS)

CRS workflow for enhanced 3D seismic salt imaging and model building
EAGE Subsalt Imaging Workshop, Cairo 2009

Schlueter P., Gierse G., Pruessmann J., Trappe H.
Improvement of sub-basalt imaging by the Common Reflection Surface (CRS) method
Extended Abstract, 3rd Faroe Islands Exploration Conference 2009

Gierse G., Pruessmann J., Eisenberg-Klein G.
Ballesteros R., Caballero A. (Geoprocesados)
Clemente G. (PEMEX CNPS)

Improved salt delineation by CRS-based depth model building and depth migration
Extended Abstract, EAGE Amsterdam/The Netherlands 2009